Color the Pattern - COLOR the shapes to finish each pattern.
Next Shape - Circle What Comes Next?
First Row - Circle the shape in each row that is the same as the first shape.
X Me Out - Draw X on the shape in each row that is different.
Draw Next Shape - Look at the pattern in each row. Draw the shape that comes next.
Dark Next Shape 2 - Look at the pattern in each row. Draw the shape that comes next.
Race Time! - Look at each row of shapes. Do you see a pattern?
Shape Me - Look at each row of shapes. Do you see a pattern?
Next one! - Look at each row of dress. Do you see a pattern in the dresses?
Dress Patterns - Look at each row of dress. Do you see a pattern in the dresses?
Window Colors - Color the window that comes next.
Next Shape - Draw the shape that comes next.
String It Together - Draw the missing shapes on each string.
Next Box Shape - Look at the pattern in each row. In each box, draw the shape that comes next.
Next Box Shape 2 - Look at the pattern in each row. In each box, draw the shape that comes next.
Ducky Shapes - Help David Duck get to his friends.